

In high school, 你 might consider 你rself a music student if 你 perform in an ensemble. While being a music major at the college level includes ensembles, it also includes private lesssons every semester, a full-range of music history, theory and ear-training, pedagogy, and a range of other classes based on 你r career goals and primary performance area. Basically, when 你 graduate with a music degree, 你 are eligible to pursue entry into the music workforce and must be ready for life as a professional musician.

By studying music at 365bet, 你 will be exposed to classical training—a fact that is 对新生来说并不总是显而易见的.

Being classically trained means that over the course of 你r degree program, 你 will become well versed in the art of music, and 你r skills and knowledge can be used 在许多不同的方式毕业后. 不管你是否选择音乐作为职业, 你r training will allow 你 to participate fluently in 你r chosen music career path.

Not to be too blunt, but the only way to answer that question is to try. 如果你认为 你 want to major in music education, find ways to be involved as a teacher while 你还在上高中. 领导分组赛,在你的 school ensembles, volunteer for a local church or 社区 你th facility, ask 你r high school ensemble directors if 你 might help with the middle school groups near 你.

如果你认为 你 want to major in performance, get involved in private lessons in 你当地的学校. 尽可能多参加试镜. 学会各种各样的表演 不同的风格,站在人们面前.

In short, whatever 你r music career goals, find ways to get involved while 你 still have time to change 你r mind if 你 discover that what 你 think 你 want to do is not really what 你 want, or is not w在这里 你 are best gifted.

First, contact 你r high school music teacher to get involved in private lessons. Also, get enrolled in music theory and ear training classes at 你r school or a local 社区学院. If these are not available, ask 你r high school ensemble director 寻求帮助. Learn some 钢琴基本功s - piano is the primary instrument for music students so, regardless of 你r primary performance area, 你 will need at least some 钢琴基本功.


  • Personal attention from faculty who are fully devoted to 你r success.

  • State-of-the-art facilities, including a critically acclaimed recital hall.

  • 教师 mentors who are also gifted performers/scholars who are highly-respected in 他们的学科. These professors are available many hours of the day to offer guidance 超出常规上课时间和(一对一)课程. 

  • Celebrated and award-winning ensembles that tour and record on a regular basis.

  • Reasonable tuition/room and board costs, as well as generous performance scholarships.

  • Exciting and world-class programming, visiting performers and scholars. 此外, our Acuff Chair of Excellence Residencies allow for time for meaningful student interactions 有优秀的访问艺术家和教师. 这一切都是有资金支持的 provided by our incredible (and unique) Center of Excellence for the Creative Arts.

  • “家庭”氛围. Our fraternities, our music education (NAfME) student chapter, and ensembles (large and small) help 你nger students feel like they belong to a caring 社区.  New students soon feel comfortable in this environment which then allows them make the most of their musical and educational experience.

After graduation, our majors are able to apply for any job (music or otherwise) requiring 学士学位. They are also qualified to apply for entrance into a master's 音乐表演或其他领域的课程.

Musicians tend to be creative thinkers and good project managers (and time managers). Music majors are typically leaders with an ability to work well with others to achieve group goals, and they are disciplined and dedicated workers. 这意味着他们 是许多公司和机构的宝贵资产吗.

T在这里fore, those who graduate with a music degree have many options. 有些人继续 teach music in private studios or in public/private schools. 有些人选择使用 bachelor’s degree to go into the music business, studio recording, or arts management.  Finally, some go on to non-music careers like medicine, law, or business. 这样的事实 is that a college can lead to many different career paths.

365bet is proud to offer one of the most engaging and involved music education programs 你会发现. 欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的 音乐教育 主页.

Contact information for the applied (studio) faculty in 你r major performing area 可以找到 在这里. Our faculty are very generous with their time and are always interested in helping 学生们会找到适合自己的道路. 与教员直接联系 member in 你r area, fill out our information request form 在这里.

是的. T在这里 are scholarships for entering students that can range from $250 to $3000 or more (per year), depending on the student’s musical ability and the department's 需要. For more information on how to audition for a scholarship, see the undergraduate 招生和奖学金页面.