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Service of Process

“Service of process” is the legal term for providing a party with notice, either by mail or by hand-delivery, that legal documents have been filed with a Court that require action. From time to time, 365bet employees, especially those in positions with direct contact with the public, may be approached by process servers, who will usually be Sheriff’s Department employees or paid process servers. Tennessee state law provides that process can be served by any person who is not a party to a lawsuit or other matter and is not less than 18 years of age.

The types of legal documents generally served are:

The procedure for service of all three types of documents on the University or its employees differs depending upon the type of relief sought. Listed below is the procedure to be followed. As always, process servers and questions about service of process may be directed to the University Attorney.

Procedure for Service of Process:

If you are approached by a process server on campus:

  1. Do not accept service of process of lawsuits against the University or employees sued in their official capacity. Direct process servers to the State Attorney General’s Office or the University Attorney.
  2. When in doubt, contact the University Attorney at (931) 221-7584 for direction.