
Turnitin Feedback Studio

远程教育提供了进入 Turnitin反馈工作室(打开新窗口)365bet教师在他们的课程中使用. Turnitin Feedback Studio,通常简称 to Turnitin, provides instructors with the tools to deter plagiarism and provide personalized 使用规则、拖放、语音和/或文本评论的反馈. 可以使用Turnitin 帮助Turnitin标志 streamline the grading and feedback process for written assignments, improve student 写作能力强,鼓励原创.

Turnitin作为D2L的一个选项集成到在线课堂中. 课程网站 shells are issued for all courses at 365bet including face-to-face sections making Turnitin 对所有人开放. 这种集成确保了通过单点登录访问的便利性 faculty and students, creates the opportunity to link Turnitin Feedback Studio to the D2L Gradebook, and allows students to easily see when feedback is available for 他们.

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Turnitin access is made available through D2L as described above and in the directions 在资源页面上提供. 远程教育不能为教师提供支持 或者他们的学生通过万维网使用Turnitin.turnitin.com网站. 阿卜苏的使用 在D2L中,Turnitin只能通过单点登录. 我们强烈鼓励教师 通过WWW停止使用.turnitin.网站,并开始使用Turnitin通过 D2L. Directions and resources are provided through the tabs above and 远程教育 工作人员随时为您提供帮助. 

教师, please consider Turnitin's strong recommendation that the course syllabus of each course using the service carry a notice to the effect of the following:

学生 understand that by taking this course any assignment documents may be subject to submission to Turnitin for the detection of plagiarism and AI generated text, and they may be included as source documents in the Turnitin reference database. 学生 鼓励大家复习 Turnitin最终用户许可协议(在新窗口打开)AI文字检测常见问题解答(打开新窗口).

If use of the service is instituted after distribution of the syllabus, then consider 及时和等效的书面通知学生.

Portions of student's papers that are found to be the same as other sources stored in the Turnitin database will be highlighted 和 sources identified in Turnitin. When the source is another student's paper, from any institution, only the portions 论文中相同的部分被高亮显示. 教师和学生看不到 源学生论文的全文. 

A feature within Turnitin allows faculty from any institution to request copies of 任何机构的学生论文全文. 检察官办公室的审查 the Registrar, Information Technology Security, University Attorney, and Distance Education has identified this feature as a potential student privacy, FERPA, and intellectual 财产问题. 

奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 has opted not to provide papers in response to these 请求. The portion of the paper in question that may be plagiarized is highlighted 在学生的论文和Turnitin反馈工作室可见. 这个信息 will assist faculty in determining whether concerns about plagiarism are founded. Sharing additional information could be a risk with regard to FERPA 和 student’s right to privacy, right to determine what happens to their assignments and could create 知识产权问题. 此外,论文的内容也可能带有个人色彩 nature and result in the sharing of the student’s personal information such as their identity or other covered information in violation of the student’s FERPA rights.

教师 do not need the other student's paper to leverage Turnitin for academic integrity. The paper section(s) that match content from the Turnitin database are automatically 在工具中识别. 此外,为了对学术不端行为提出指控, faculty only need to provide a copy of their student's paper 和 Turnitin report 突出显示了相似之处. 有关学术不端行为的更多信息 ,请浏览 学术诚信.

Important: matches between student papers does not necessarily indicate collusion or student-student plagiarism, but instead, it could be that both students plagiarized 或者引用了同样的资源. Turnitin的功能可以帮助教师确定 这种可能性.


  • 在D2L中创建Turnitin分配 - this guide provides the steps necessary to create a Turnitin-enabled assignment 在D2L亮空间. 
  • 排除分配模板 - decreases false similarity created when students are all using the same template 提交作业.
  • 教师 have the ability to exempt individual students from having their Dropbox assignments 提交给Turnitin. 关于如何这样做的说明可在此找到 个别学习者豁免Turnitin(打开新窗口) video. 该豁免适用于个人学习者的整个课程.




Generative AI like ChatGPT is widely available and is being used in higher education 无论是积极的还是潜在的消极的. 例如,一个消极的结果, is using generative AI to create content that one then passes off as their own. To counteract this, there is a push for AI detectors and many are already available. Please use caution with these tools and always review their terms of service, privacy 语句等. 此外,要明白这些工具不是100%准确的 准确性因工具和生成式人工智能的持续进步而异. 最后, 人工智能探测器并不是解决这个问题的简单方法. 因为它们不是决定性的, 他们只能充当谈话的开场白.

Turnitin AI检测

Turnitin is offering AI detection capabilities as a preview and 365bet instructors currently 可以访问这个工具作为他们Turnitin Feedback Studio使用的一部分吗. Turnitin notes, their "AI writing detection model only highlights text that is highly likely 由人工智能生成. 这是为了确保学生得到公平的对待 维护学院的学术诚信标准. 我们必须强调 percentage is interpretive and should not be used as a definitive measure of misconduct 或者惩罚工具. 教师应该使用这个指示性百分比来帮助他们做出决定 how to best handle work that may have been produced or partially produced by AI writing 工具”(源代码在新窗会中打开).

Since this tool will continue to change and possibly often, we are providing links to Turnitin resources and information which should also be frequently updated.



Turnitin Feedback Studio is used by faculty through D2L Assignments to check for similarity 并提供书面反馈.



In addition to the resources featured on our website, please visit either link 更多的 选项:


远程教育 provides faculty, staff, and student support for online teaching, 学习和技术. 我们的时间是周一至周五,上午8:00 -下午4:30. 

Feel free to utilize the provided resources outside of regular hours, and reach out to us if you require further assistance during our standard operating hours.